Aeloren Tactics banner

Aeloren Tactics

Aeloren Tactics banner
Release Date: 17 Aug 2020
Developers: Team Syukino
Publishers: Team Syukino
60% 40%
5 reviews
Play as a young bandit girl named Clairena who has a mysterious past that forces her to struggle internally with both the people she was raised with and the people she is hunting. For generations it seemed that the Orgahta bandits have despised the people of the Estelda Kingdom. They have been looting, raiding and hating them for as long as they have existed. Their reasoning is simple; they feel outcast-ed and treated like dirt simply because they are less fortunate. The nobles of Estelda Kingdom lead lavish, comfortable lifestyles and are seen as the beacon of light in the world of Tetsyunia. They are however, masking a deep dark secret that could change the fate of the world forever upon many other evil things. Who is really good? Who is really bad? Who will you believe? — MetaCritic